by JWD | Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Do you know what is in that ice melt product you’re putting down? Most residents are not aware of properties in the active ingredients which leaves them wondering which ice melts to use. When it comes to products for ice melts there are five main options available to general consumers…
by JWD | Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
You know spring is on the way when you start to see newly mulched landscape beds. New mulch gives off a pungent, earthy smell which is hard to ignore! Mulch, with it’s hefty scent, has several important benefits for your plants and landscape beyond its nice appearance.
by JWD | Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Many consumers inquire about irrigation systems when they are looking to update or renovate their landscape. An irrigation system is certainly a time saver, can provide supplemental moisture during times of drought, and definitely adds an element of convenience for a homeowner…
by JWD | Dec 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
The temperatures have fallen and it’s a little uncomfortable to be outside gardening right now. We humans have the luxury of staying indoors to shelter ourselves from the elements but those beautiful plants your installed, on the other hand, have no such refuge. Many plantings in our area turn dormant in the colder months as a way to hunker down and survive the cold season.
by JWD | Nov 16, 2023 | Uncategorized
What’s so great about Knockout roses, anyway? The answer: There are too many reasons to count! They’re very dramatic, blooming from spring until frost in most cases. They suffer fewer insect and fungal issues than the old fashioned hybrids; they’re drought tolerant, versatile and easily pruned. There are so many excellent attributes that it’s almost hard to cite anything bad about them.